Ranger, owned by Alison Burns & John woods
AKA GCHB Bit-A-Swissy Mountain Ranger RN, CGC, WWD, NWPD, HIC
born 5/23/2006
Ranger turned 11 in May, and has called Bit-A-Swissy his home since the day he was born. We are fortunate to be his breeders as well as his“humans”.
At three months of age Ranger won “Best Puppy in Match” at our breed National Specialty and has been showing ever since! In addition to dog shows, Ranger spent his younger years working in the Rally Ring, and earning titles in working events such as weight pull and pack hiking. Ranger spent 4 years ranked in the Top 20 AKC breed points, and traveled to Eukanuba in 2009 coming home with an Award of Excellence. In 2010 Ranger was the Top 20 People’s Choice winner at our National Specialty confirming what we already knew – since he is our #1 choice 😊
Age has settled in, as well as some neurological degeneration, that have affected his balance and movement. Along with this also came some illness (Ranger has had a splenectomy, and an Adrenalectomy). For the last year Ranger has been working out with a Physical Rehab team in the pool, water treadmill and floor exercises coupled with weekly laser treatment. Along with this, he has regular acupuncture and we follow supplement, exercise and diet recommendations from his Neurologist.
Ranger continues to amaze us day in and day out. He is aging in body, but is always eager to take a walk, (slow) run in the yard, hop (assisted) into the car, and announce himself with a big BAROOO at his weekly Physical Therapy sessions. He sleeps more, snores more, and loves more as he gets older.
We love our Bubba Boy more than words…even with a little less flash, a little less polish – he is still the king in this house.